They were the first to take up non-traditional jobs and to push back against prejudices. They popularized the world tour, backpacking, democratizing fashion, overturning mores that undermined authenticity.
Always the first to offer their help, they have a look at the world that not only inspires us, but allows us to relate and see more clearly.
In this age of Bluetooth, selfies, posts, likes, they have been able to ignore the generation gap better than anyone who came before them. We are talking about today's grandparents here.
Tribute to those who are so precious to us ...

When I think of my now deceased grandparents, I realize how different they were from my children's. If they were always there to welcome the extended family for a good meal and did not hesitate to give a serious helping hand with household chores and during the renovation work, the new generation stands out for its active - and above all, emotional involvement. - in the life of their grandchildren.
The complicity they share bridges the generations, that of those born with technology in their hands and that of those who have had to convert to it in the middle of their professional lives in order not to be overwhelmed. And, remarkable among so many others, grandpa and grandma have a knack for being more interesting than the tablet or the cell phone. While being perfectly of their time, are often the best at getting our children to resume activities that are absolutely nothing techno.
Daily exercise, healthy eating, high morale, today's grandparents are enjoying life better than their predecessors knew or could. In jeans and sneakers, a baby carrier on her back for Leo, Grandma accompanies Grandpa while he teaches little Juliette to ride a bike.
Apple picking, forest walks, mountain hikes, senior soccer tournaments, field trips with the daycare, whatever the event, they are there!

Often considered to be specific to parents, babywearing is a great tool for those around you, whether to avoid getting tired or to be free to move around to take care of the older ones. Research has shown that children who are carried, even by people other than their parents, are calmer and more relaxed.
Other studies reveal
Also, a secure baby is more likely to grow up to be an independent child and a successful adult. Obviously, no study has been needed to prove that grandparents help meet the emotional needs of their grandchildren! Babywearing allows them to do it in a most enjoyable way!

Obviously, they haven't gotten old! Active, enthusiastic and interested, many of them still have 30 years in their heads. While they continue to learn every day (painting lessons, yoga, woodworking ... and the frequent and inevitable updating of the techno side), they have nevertheless acquired this beautiful wisdom that comes with experience. Whether or not they are retired, they are enjoying life.
Some will even tell you that they have their best years ahead!
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